Wednesday, July 11, 2012

To buy the corn or not to buy the corn.

I'm happy to say that today is one of my better days. My body is irritated with me a bit because I haven't been to sleep since last night before last, but that happens often. I guess someday I will get used to that and it won't bother me so much.

Got a phone call from a man today that has sweet corn for sale. He is doing me a favor by lowering the price to $2 a dozen if I get 25 dozen at one time. I love fresh corn and being able to put that up in the freezer but I don't know if my body can handle getting 25 dozen ears of corn ready for the freezer. I know that hubby, daughter and mother would help me with it but still, that is a lot.

I suppose my blog seems like I'm always complaining and really that is not the kind of person I am, but these are the things that happen that really upset me. Three years ago I wouldn't have had to think about this, the answer would have been yes and probably I would have taken 50 dozen but now I have to stop and say okay, I know I can freeze that and put it up. It's better for my family and it most certainly tastes better, but can my body handle this? Corn is just one of those things, once picked it needs to be blanched, cut and put up as fast as possible. It's not like doing the jams or jelly where you can do some today and some tomorrow, it just doesn't work that way.

Well guess I better get off of here and decide what I'm going to do. I have to get a hold of mother before I can make any decision. Isn't that horrible, I'm 47 yrs old and I have to wait to get a hold of mommy before I can decide what I'm going to do.

I don't mean that hateful toward my mother, she is one of the most loving and caring individuals I have ever known. There is nothing in this world she wouldn't do for me if she could and I love her for that.

I'm really getting off of here now if I talk about this any more I'm going to work myself into a deeper depression.

I hope you all are doing well today. Take care and get the most you can out of this day.

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