Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chronic Pain Stinks

I'm sitting here today thinking to myself all the things I would love to do. Oh how I would love to have  home based business where I could raise the most amazing garden ever, to have every kind of fruit and vegetable growing here that will. I would have a huge greenhouse where I could start plants early and keep some plants going all winter long. I would teach people how to can, dehydrate and prepare all the foods we produce here. I would show them how a loofah plant which appears to be just another gourd turns into a bath sponge or a nice sponge to clean around the house with. I would daily be involved in everything going on. I would run the business and do all the work I could while my husband was a his day job and the extra income from it would be amazing.  I would write books about all the things I have learned and continue to learn, I would write cookbooks to share recipes my family and I just love oh and how to books for those who couldn't come to me to learn how to can, how thrilling it all would be.

Then I wake up and go out to the kitchen, fix myself a couple of slices of toast with homemade Cantaloupe jelly on it, stepped outside or a few minutes to look around. Then I come back in the house and sit down at the computer to realize I'm exhausted! And reality steps in to clarify to me that this dream will never be a reality.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate. Chronic pain can be so debilitating on its own, then add other life events and it gets worse.I miss you on FaithWriters and wish you would come back.

    Hubs and love,
    Shann Hall-LochmannVanBennekom
