Friday, June 29, 2012

Have any of you ever had to deal with Workmans Comp?

I have to tell you that it has been one of the biggest things I regret in my life. I so wish I would have just not been on the job when I got hurt. We could have done what our insurance would take care of and that's it. Then we could have gone on with life and just dealt with things as they happen.

We would have lost everything, we nearly did anyway, and we would have been homeless, but I have to tell you all of that would have been so much better than having to deal with them.

My doctor changed one of my medications, same type of medication just a different brand she thought would help me better than the obe I was on. So here we are now, again, about two weeks after tha appointment and still they have no approved that medication yet.

I get so frustrated. I don't understand how the laws are set up that they are allowed to treat us like we are criminals or something.

Wait, let me take that back because if I were a criminal and I were locked up in jail or prison they would have to take much better care of me than this or I could sue the pants off of them.

As it is set up though WC can jerk you around, do what they want to do with you, take as much time as they want to and there is just nothing you can do about it.

I wish I knew of a phone number or an email address where you could write to them, the state office that is and just tell them exactly how wrong this is. Not that I think they would really care, after all if the state is watching them to assure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing then the state already knows they treat us like crap.

I guess I can understand it though, I needed to stop thinking like myself and start thinking like them.

Why would they want to do anything in a timely manner to help me out? After all I made that guy hit me in the car. I assured that when he did hit me he completely trashed my back. I knew how hard he needed to hit me so that I could end up living the rest of my life unable to work and dealing with chronic pain everyday so bad that even the narcs they do give me don't really take the pain away, it just kinda takes the edge off.

Since I set all that up I can see how they must view me as some kind of thug who is just trying to rip them off for every dime I can get out of them. Why if I were them I would fight it all the way to the supreme court. After all if I had not allowed myself to be injured in the first place there will be no need for people to have to take care of me.

I apologize for my ranting but I'm  certain that my fathers cattle get better medical care and in a much more timely manner than I do. I would even go so far as to say most dogs in a no kill shelter are treated better than I am. It seems unreal to me that the laws are set to where they can just treat people any o way they want to and for all practical purposes there is nothing that can be done about it.

I think I will take the time to write the governor of our state and share my opinion with them, not that I think they care anymore than workmans comp does but at least I can say I tried something.

I hope if you haven't ever had to deal with them that you never do. For cryin out loud I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, if I had one.

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