Friday, July 6, 2012

If you are not on welfare you get no help!

This past couple of days have been pretty bad. I am having such issues on the right side now. I can feel the pain starting in my lower back and now moving down the right leg. I hate that as it probably means the damaged nerves are now starting to affect that leg.

I know I need to keep a positive attitude and let God handle this and know that he is in control, that there is a plan and a reason for all of this but sometimes it's really hard to do that. I have faith that God is in control and I not only know that he can do the things that need to be done but know that he will. My frustration is not that, it's just trying to cope and deal on a daily basis until he does what he needs to do. That probably sounds contradictory but with constant pain you can't just not think about it, it is always there.

If you are reading my blog and you are a praying person please pray for me. This is all so frustrating. Again I have a new prescription that needs to be filled, my doctor wanted me to start it right away and still several weeks have gone by and workman's comp still has not approved it. It was not really a new medication rather changing one I was already taking to one that might work better for me. My attorney has turned in my prescription also stating that they have to make my vehicle wheel chair accessible. I bet you money it will be months if not years before they give an answer on that one. Why WC has to treat people this way and why they are allowed to is beyond me. It's like we are criminals just trying to get away with something. They all sat in court and all heard and agreed to the same testimony stating that I am totally disabled from this accident so why do they then find it necessary and why are they allowed to fight each and every step of the way. If they ask me for information or something and I blew them off like they do me I would probably lose my benefits for failure to comply but they do it all the time.

Okay I got off on a tangent, sorry about that, it's just so so frustrating. I hope if you are reading my blog and you are dealing with chronic pain that you are not dealing with WC, if you are I feel so sorry for you.

Hey another interesting fact I found out though. You hear all the time about groups out there that help the disabled. Oh your county has so many programs bla bla bla. Well I have found out after much research that the only way you can get any assistance, at least in Johnson County Missouri, is if you are on welfare. If you are disabled and you are not on welfare you do not qualify for one single solitary program. I need help in my house during the week and I can not get help because I'm not on welfare. Please don't misunderstand that to think that my husband is out there making tons of money, that is not the case. He makes just a touch too much for us to qualify for any form of welfare. So with that being said we are not allowed any help, they expect us to go out and pay anywhere from $12 to $18 per hour in order to get someone to come in the house for a few hours a day and help with the things I cannot do. It seems so unfair, you either have to be on welfare or they assume you to be a Rockefeller and have money pouring out your left ear making you capable of paying the absurd prices people are charging. I told my husband he should quit his job and stay home to take care of me, then we would qualify for all kinds of things. Sadly enough we are not the kind of people who will sit down and just take hand outs when he is capable of working. I have no issue's with people who are on welfare and really really need it but I know too many people who are capable of working and choose not to just so they can sit on their can and get everything handed to them. The lesson here is if you work your tail end off and it's not enough, screw you. If you are just flat lazy, sit on your ars and the government will hand you anything you need. Food, medical care, someone to clean your house, MEDs for free, rent and utilities paid for. It absolutely works that way, as I said I know too many who are doing just that.

I suppose I should go to bed, I'm just flat grouchy tonight. Oh wait, that is the MED I'm waiting on that WC won't approve, a mild antidepressant, hmm I wonder why I get like this..............

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